Eden Bloom – This ain’t the place (live demo)

From Without a Book

I want to thank you for coming on by. I want to thank you for coming on by. Thank you for giving me a listen, Thank you for giving me a try. I want to thank you for coming on by.

Let me start by saying I’ve got mad respect for many of your holy folk and many of your prophets. I’ve read your bible toe to toe a couple of times. There’s some good stuff there, but it ain’t for me. I’ve been baptized in the river Jordan – it’s true. I’ve stood on the shores of Galilee. Maybe you should head in that direction before you start coming round here for me. ‘Cause, this ain’t the place, this ain’t the place.

This ain’t the place to proselytize. This ain’t the place to spread lies. This ain’t the place for isms, schisms, or divisions. This ain’t the place for setting records straight. This ain’t the place for hate. This ain’t the place, this ain’t the place.

If you want come by and listen. Maybe dis a lyric or two, definitely dis my lack of technique. We don’t have to agree, that’s how grown folk do. But if you come here sayin’ ‘Jesus saves’ You know what I’m gonna do now. You’re gonna get blocked and banned That’s what, that’s what I’ll do. YouTube cops be coming after you. You’ll have to make up a new fake name to post ‘Jesus Saves’ – I’ll block and and ban that name too. ‘ Cuz… This ain’t the place, this ain’t the place.

Now hear me out- Don’t do that over here, go do that over there. Your religion is like master card, like visa. You’re accepted everywhere You dominate the landscape, but always want more Jesus saves at the wlmrt, at the chckflt (no way), at your hbby lbby store. But not here Cuz, this ain’t the place, this ain’t the place.

This ain’t the place to proselytize. This ain’t the place to spread lies. This ain’t the place for isms, schisms, or divisions. This ain’t the place for setting records straight. This ain’t the place for hate. This ain’t the place, this ain’t the place.

One last thing before I go, I don’t want to be rude. Some of my friends is christian too. But they know their faith. They’re all about the mystery, not about supremacy. Their God is secure, so they don’t come after me. ‘Cause they know, this ain’t the place, this ain’t the place.

I want to thank you for coming on by. I want to thank you for coming on by. Thank you for giving me a listen, Thank you for giving me a try. I want to thank you for coming on by.

Bye Bye – Bye Bye

© Eden Bloom 2025

Recorded at home in Detroit, 2023-25
Thanks to our family and those who’ve held us.
Against genocide and fascism everywhere!
Dedicated to those without a book who’ve done wrong,
but found their way to join the fight for what’s right.

Eden Bloom – Vision (live demo)

From the Without a Book project

I had a vision that we stopped him.
Call it a dream, but I don’t dream anymore.

In every classroom, in every boardroom
In every shop, on every factory floor.

Someone stood up. Someone spoke up.
Someone said; “Hell No! We want more!”

There is a method, to end this madness.
It’s in our reach and we can have it right now.

In every temple, from every minaret,
a song is rising from every camp;

“This isn’t working, so we are stopping.
We’re shutting down what you’re doing right now.”

End the distractions. Start the confessions.
Boots off our throats, flip their backs on the floor.

There is a feeling that is gathering. Emergent action.
We’re not taking it no more.

Waves of people, together all alone,
ending bloodshed, fighting to stop war.

They’ve got a war on the peoples native to the land.
They’ve got a war on immigrants and refugees.
They’ve got a war on the Black and Brown.
They’ve got a war on women. They’ve got a war on children.
They’ve got a war on disability.
They’ve got a war on our elders, They’ve got a war on gays, They’ve got a war on trans, They’ve got a war on queers.
They’ve got a war on everything without a dollar sign,
They’ve got a war on the poor.

We had a vision that we stopped it.
Call it a dream, but we’re not dreaming anymore.

Subscribe  @EdenBloom2023  © Eden Bloom 2025 https://linktr.ee/edenbloom2023 Recorded at home in Detroit, 2023-25 Thanks to our family and those who’ve held us. Against genocide and fascism everywhere! Dedicated to those without a book who’ve done wrong, but found their way to join the fight for what’s right.

Eden Bloom – Broken Wheel (live demo)

I’m currently working on this for inclusion in Without a Book. An initially improvised track from the 2023 song-a-day sessions that has become, unfortunately, somewhat prophetic. This considering death projected in connection between cuts in funding to global aid AND to services that support those of us experiencing poverty here in the US. “They’ll get there as fast as they can kill us.” My unconscious mind brought in rather obvious references to Earth, Wind and Fire, Guns and Roses and Tracey’s tears that demand recognition.

Original Content Notes from 2023 – “The Corpse Bridge to Mars section was revealed in a long form vision while working on this today. The intentional breaking of the wheel of the year to build the bridge was heavy. This was one of the most clear visions I’ve had since I cut out the booze. It was very polished and produced in my minds eye. I don’t want to say Marvel, but yeah, it was epic and cinematic. There is a ton more that didn’t make it in here, particularly it’s relation to Bivrost, the rainbow bridge that connected heaven to Earth, or the realm of the Asgard to the realm of mankind, Midgard.

Broken Wheel (December Rain)

I don’t remember it ever being like this,
I can’t explain why they won’t stop it.
There’s a way, there is a way, there is a way.

I can’t remember a summer that lasted so long 
it never really came to an end,
a winter so quick and so hard
we can’t remember our names.

I can’t explain why they can’t see it.
Who am I kidding, its easy to see,  
they don’t care, no.

The Wheel of the Year is broken,
separating the people from the soul of the planet,
to stop the earth from turning,
to build a bridge of corpses. 

The Wheel of the Year is broken,
to stop the earth from turning,
to build a bridge of corpses. 
An interplanetary middle passage.

They’ll get to Mars stacking corpses, one upon the other. 
They’ll get there as fast as they can kill us. 
Traveling light years at death’s speed.

Do you remember?
Dancing in September?
Nothing last forever,
in the cold November rain.
And even though sometimes it snows in April,
springtime’s my favorite time of year.

This December rain makes it clear,
the seasons are changing,
the waters are rising,
the levees are leaning, 
logics receding,
our leaders have failed us,
and freezing in the spring,
crops depleting,
an endless raging 
season in the sun

This December rain makes it clear, the earth is changing.
This December rain makes it clear, the earth is raging.
This December rain makes it clear, the earth will wash us all away.

© Eden Bloom 2025 

Repurposed Tarot, Refurbished Table – Research

New Work

Very Much in Progress – This feels like something of a major work for me. In addition to working with my hands and repurposing materials that would end up in a landfill. The theoretical underpinnings incorporate 3 primary aspects of study;

  1. To decommission a tarot deck in a respectful and creative manner. The original intention was for this piece to hang on a wall as a simple interactive divination tool. Tables are extremely important to my spiritual development so it makes sense that it would evolve from a hanging piece to furnishing.
  2. To explore the energetic aspects of deconstructing a deck, particularly the removal of the formal correspondences represented in the “frames” and allowing the major arcana to become a cyclic narrative. 
  3. To consider the relationship between Lady Frieda Harris, the artist, and the decks “author”, Aleister Crowley in light of this deconstruction.

Audio: Eden Bloom – December Rain – Teaser for this project; a deep dive on Lady Frieda Harris and the process of taking a form of divination depended upon variation and nailing it down to a cyclic narrative.

  1. Decommissioning/Repurposing – The idea behind this one came to me over time. It started in early 2024 with thoughts of what to do with a decommissioned tarot deck, that is a deck that is no longer in use and that I don’t want on the shelves or in the collection for whatever the reason.

    My first teacher, my sweet but extremely over-dramatic grandmother, instilled a bunch of traditions around the tarot that I otherwise wouldn’t have picked up on. She gave me my first deck. When trying to talk me out of wanting a deck in the first place she exclaimed “once you have a deck you can never throw it away!” I’m uncertain where she pulled that from, but I understood what she meant, that a deck was a commitment and came with certain responsibilities.

    I’ve tried to respect that through the many decks that I’ve owned. I’ve given most away to those who were just learning. I’ve cleansed them first, either with moonlight or stones/crystals. I’ve burned a few, which I don’t recommend because of the plastic coating. Other, more accessible ideas for repurposing: https://carriemallon.com/blog/eight-craft-projects-to-repurpose-tarot-cards/

  2. Energetic DeconstructionWilliam S. Burroughs and Brion Gysin revived Tristan Tzara‘s riotous hat poetry as “the cut-up method” in the 1950’s beat generation era. The method has been deeply integrated into my own practice and perspective. As I worked on this project I mediated upon whether it could represent an inversion of the cut-up technique. Wherein a system that is supposed to be random in order to facilitate a “reading” and divination of the future is taken out of its system of correspondence and “nailed” down into an ordered cyclic narrative.

  3. Energetic Relationships – My opinion on Crowley has shifted over the years. I’m guilty of replicating many behaviors negative to myself and others through early idolatry of pop occultists. Here are items I’ve been reading to more deeply understand the dynamics of this relationship:

Analysis Does Cramp the Painter – How the artistic partnership of Lady Frieda Harris and Aleister Crowley led to the creation of the Thoth Tarot. https://www.laphamsquarterly.org/roundtable/analysis-does-cramp-painter

Thoth Deck – The tarot deck itself is a Thoth deck that someone bought me because I was complaining that no one had gifted me a deck since my grandmother and that I really was sick of buying them. It’s a Thoth deck, which has always been my preferred deck. It was the deck I picked up after learning on the rider-waite gifted by my GM. More on the paintings that became the Thoth deck: https://www.oto.org/thoth_conservation_report.html

Table Top – Round wood and leather table top. This was on a tripod base that broke beyond repair. Because it was a perfect circle I held on to it for years after getting rid of the legs/base. I believe it came out of our house. It could have been my in laws as well.

Table Base – An octagon wood base that was/is part of a set that came from my in laws house after they passed. I’ve always used it because it is an octagon. The other larger table in the set is used as a table for a massive jade tree.

Lazy Suzan Mechanism – available at most hardware stores for under $10.

© Eden Bloom 2025 

Eden Bloom – Tight (live demo)

by Eden Bloom
from Without a Book

I don’t want to make it like it used to be,
I just want to make it anyway it could be.
I don’t want to tell you how to do it,
I just want it to be a way we both like.
I don’t want to be anybody’s savior.
I can’t figure out some things for myself.
I just want to get you off,
If you want, if you like.

If you tighten too much, the string will break.
If you leave it loose, the string won’t play.
If you try too hard, you’ll never make it.
It will never happen if you sit around all day.
If you clench your teeth, you’ll never speak.
But if your lips are lose, the ship won’t sail.
If you’re too afraid to let go and peak,
the tension will build till we go off the rails.

You don’t want to sing me love songs.
I don’t want to make you cry.
You don’t really want to hurt me,
but your precious kisses
always pass me by.
I don’t want to pressure you,
but don’t, don’t, don’t you want to?

If you tighten too much, the string will break.
If you leave it loose, the string won’t play.
If you try too hard, you’ll never make it.
It will never happen if you sit around all day.
If you clench your teeth, you’ll never speak.
But if your lips are lose, the ship won’t sail.
If you’re too afraid to let go and peak,
the tension will build till we go off the rails.

I don’t want to make it like it used to be,
I just want to make it anyway it could be.
I don’t want to tell you how to do it,
I just want it to be a way we both like.
I don’t want to be anybody’s savior.
I can’t figure out some things for myself.
I just want to get you off,
If you want, if you like.

© Eden Bloom 2025